The Kadavu group of islands is one of the lesser-visited island groups in Fiji – which is precisely the reason why you should visit! Here you’ll find one of the largest and healthiest coral formations in the world, the Great Astrolabe Reef. This massive system, rich with pelagic and reef fish, is close to shore and easy for scuba-divers and snorkelers to access.
Resorts are located on the main island of Kadavu as well as nearby Ono and Yaukuve islands. All resorts have easy access to the Great Astrolabe reef system via boat and frequently dive in areas where there are no other boats or divers for miles around. Dive sites frequented by resorts offer diving for all ages and abilities.
The Great Astrolabe Reef has vast areas of colorful hard corals together with soft corals. Local residents include humpback whales, pilot whales, giant trevally, mahi-mahi, Maori wrasse, spinner dolphins, tiera bat-fish and groupers of all sizes – some as big as the Queensland grouper. There are an assortment of sharks including zebra- and ray-sharks, along with eagle- and manta-rays. According to Frommer’s Travel Guide “Kadavu has the largest concentration of manta-rays in Fiji”. Some resorts offer guests the chance to scuba-dive and snorkel with giant, gentle Manta rays.
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